My Favorite Green Drink

My monthlong trip to Paris and Germany was absolutely amazing. When I am home I eat very healthfully, but on my Europe trips there are a lot of croissants, cheeses, sausages and desserts in my diet. By the time I came home a couple weeks ago, my stomach was bloated and I was feeling lethargic. I immediately switched back to my normal diet of healthy grains and vegetables with a little bit of meat, but I felt like I needed an extra boost so I turned to my favorite green drink.

I know that this is a beauty and fashion blog, but I wanted to share this drink with you because it’s such an easy way to get loads of greens (wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa spirulina, chlorella) as well as vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots, beets) and probiotics in one drink. I’ve tried all the flavors, but chocolate is my favorite. It tastes like a milkshake with a slight green aftertaste.

Amazing Grass Green Superfood. $22.99

My Favorite Green Drink

